Gmail shut me out?

As many of you know, I use GMail to filter and manage my e-mail. It’s not my “main” e-mail address… simply an intermediary service that I use to (a) filter spam, and (b) manage my mail on the web. At about 2pm EDT today, I started having trouble sending mail through Gmail. Then I realized no new mail was coming in. I tried logging in at and got this:


So I attempted logging in with other browsers, other computers, etc., all to no avail. Then I tried logging into a *different* gmail account, and got straight in, no problem. Uh oh. So, for almost 5 hours, my “main” gmail account has been unavailable, but other accounts are fine.

I did a little bit of web searching and found some people saying this has happened for days at a time… and some have eventually found that after a week or so of getting this, their accounts simply vanished. 🙁

Though it would be a shame to lose the history in there, it’s not really lost. Thankfully I was smart enough to continue managing my mail through a local mail client, and have every message downloaded here. And fear not, no mail was lost: I had it going to an alternate place, as well, just in case.

Let this be a lesson to you kiddos: never trust anything you don’t own, and certainly don’t trust the stuff you don’t even pay for!

All that aside: anyone got a contact at Google that wants to sort this out for me? My account is, simply, ‘davethenerd’ 🙂 Thanks!

Update #1: Seems this might be just a semi-widespread outage today… then again, maybe not.

Update #2: Thankfully, a short-lived (relatively speaking) outage.  Back in business now, and Google even responded to my e-mail.  Hopefully this is something that’s fixed for everyone and not just me.

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16 Responses to “Gmail shut me out?”

  1. Soci Says:

    It’s not only you. I have the same problem. 🙁

  2. Soci Says:

    It’s not only you. I have the same problem. 🙁

  3. Dave Says:

    Yeah? how long has it been going on for you?

  4. Dave Says:

    Yeah? how long has it been going on for you?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    A lot of people have reported this today… I guess only some of the Gmail servers are messed up, which leaves many accounts working fine…

  6. Anonymous Says:

    A lot of people have reported this today… I guess only some of the Gmail servers are messed up, which leaves many accounts working fine…

  7. Dave Says:

    Is that right? From all the comments/forums I read, it seemed like something that has been happening recently (last month or two) with no eventual fix, the accounts are simply removed and that’s the end of it. Let’s hope I’m wrong!

  8. Dave Says:

    Is that right? From all the comments/forums I read, it seemed like something that has been happening recently (last month or two) with no eventual fix, the accounts are simply removed and that’s the end of it. Let’s hope I’m wrong!

  9. Joe Siegler Says:

    I’m having this problem, but with Gmail for your domain ( What’s odd is that it’s only one account there. Not all of them. Mine works, and two or three others, but this outage is happening to just ONE of mine.

    So it tells me that Gmail for your Domain is spread over their servers too, and not all the accounts for one domain are in the same place.

    Hope this gets fixed. Really do not want to lose mail. Sigh.

  10. Joe Siegler Says:

    I’m having this problem, but with Gmail for your domain ( What’s odd is that it’s only one account there. Not all of them. Mine works, and two or three others, but this outage is happening to just ONE of mine.
    So it tells me that Gmail for your Domain is spread over their servers too, and not all the accounts for one domain are in the same place.

    Hope this gets fixed. Really do not want to lose mail. Sigh.

  11. Joe Siegler Says:

    And of course, as soon as I post that, it’s come back. 🙂

  12. Joe Siegler Says:

    And of course, as soon as I post that, it’s come back. 🙂

  13. Dave Says:

    Glad to hear it! Came back for me, too, about an hour before it did for you. let’s hope it’s come back for everyone now…

    But this is a good wake-up call. Don’t rely on Gmail as the only storage for your e-mail. Back-up to your local machine with a POP client at the very least (or have Gmail automatically forward all mail to another, reliable/paid-for account somewhere else).

  14. Dave Says:

    Glad to hear it! Came back for me, too, about an hour before it did for you. let’s hope it’s come back for everyone now…
    But this is a good wake-up call. Don’t rely on Gmail as the only storage for your e-mail. Back-up to your local machine with a POP client at the very least (or have Gmail automatically forward all mail to another, reliable/paid-for account somewhere else).

  15. Neil Says:

    They are giving your accounts to the FBI/DHS/IRS/EI EI O for your nafarous geekings…

    Free is not always free. 🙂

  16. Neil Says:

    They are giving your accounts to the FBI/DHS/IRS/EI EI O for your nafarous geekings…
    Free is not always free. 🙂

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