
Well, that’s fitting. A number of years ago, when I got my wife her first laptop, she went through and selectively ripped portions of “most” of our CD collection. Well, over the years, there have been moments of frustration as I looked to play a song only to find that it hadn’t made the cut way back when. So a few weeks ago I started the process of re-ripping everything. Of course, our CDs aren’t in any order, they’re just in boxes (or, rather, they were… now they’re in piles in my office). Today I ripped what I believe to be the last one, which happened to be Chicago’s Greatest Hits. The final song it ripped? “Beginnings”. 🙂

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6 Responses to “Beginnings”

  1. Matt Hoult Says:

    Oh the irony… I did a similar thing a few months back, and a few months before that… Stupid thing is that I like my music portable (I have a PowerBook only) and I can’t be bothered to allow 20 hours to back up iTunes alone so I end up chopping it down to around 1000 songs 2 weeks after I spend all that time re-ripping them… every time!

  2. Matt Hoult Says:

    Oh the irony… I did a similar thing a few months back, and a few months before that… Stupid thing is that I like my music portable (I have a PowerBook only) and I can’t be bothered to allow 20 hours to back up iTunes alone so I end up chopping it down to around 1000 songs 2 weeks after I spend all that time re-ripping them… every time!

  3. Dave Says:

    Yeah, now I’m stuck because my library is 68GB, and won’t even fit on the biggest iPod… where’s Apple when you need them?

  4. Dave Says:

    Yeah, now I’m stuck because my library is 68GB, and won’t even fit on the biggest iPod… where’s Apple when you need them?

  5. Peter Cohen Says:

    A few days ago I reported on this:

    Now THAT’S what I need at this point — 2TB of network-attached storage and a media player.

    I’m still pissed that there’s some music CDs I still can’t find, and I don;’t know what happened to — like Wire’s “A Bell Is A Cup Until It Is Struck” and a CD single of “Erotic City” by Prince.

  6. Peter Cohen Says:

    A few days ago I reported on this:

    Now THAT’S what I need at this point — 2TB of network-attached storage and a media player.

    I’m still pissed that there’s some music CDs I still can’t find, and I don;’t know what happened to — like Wire’s “A Bell Is A Cup Until It Is Struck” and a CD single of “Erotic City” by Prince.

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