Author Archive

iTunes Podcast approval required? Let’s hope we’re interpreting this wrong

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Apple has demo’d a version of iTunes that allows access to podcasts, but reports indicate that podcasts need to be approved by Apple first. Let’s hope we’re reading that wrong.

Garmin Street Pilot c330: I’d get nowhere without this

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

As many of you know, my family is in the process of relocating from Connecticut to New Hampshire. Moving, of course, involves a lot of pre-move trips up and back to the new area, checking out homes, learning the ropes, and more. Well, that was enough of an excuse for me to spring for a […]

At least they get some things right

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Now, any of you who know me know that I’m certainly no Apple apologist, and rarely do I recommend that people switch platforms (either from Mac to PC or PC to Mac) — there’s a *lot* involved when changing religions there, and for most folks it’s not worth it. That said, I do find more […]

Experiments begin at home

Saturday, May 21st, 2005

Never try this at home? Yeah, right. That’s the *best* place to try things. It’s safe, you’re cozy, and there’s milk in the fridge. So after years of wrestling (mostly with myself!) about what sort of blog I should publish, and whether I should publish 6 of them or just one, I finally had an […]