Author Archive

FedEx? USPS? Who’s the real dinosaur?

Friday, June 10th, 2005

So we’re moving. In two weeks. Ugh. Give me a minute. Ok, anyway, back to the rant. So my wife gets going this morning and starts organizing the forwarding of our mail as part of all that fun stuff. While she’s at it, I ask her to call FedEx and UPS to have that stuff […]

Click Tracking for Fools?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2005

They actually performed a case study with (presumably) a real client, and compared the click through rate (CTR) of a given advertising campaign with its overall reach…. As they found:”The search engine [campaign] delivered a grand total of 4,000 impressions [with a high click through rate]; though many of those bought the product, in the end only four thousand were exposed to the campaign.

Intel Inside a Mac? Don’t worry ’bout a thing…

Monday, June 6th, 2005

Well, though I mentioned it briefly (and dismissed it even faster) recently, it seems like today may be the day that we all hear that our future Macs will have the “Intel Inside” warning stickers pasted on them. And as I’ve been thinking about it more, I can’t say that it’s necessarily a bad thing. […]

What is a blog?

Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

This is getting to be an important question and one, it seems, that I might even have some experience from which to concoct an answer. As is public knowledge, one of the companies I co-founded, BackBeat Media, represents Think Secret‘s advertising. As such, we’re very much aware of all the news coverage surrounding Think Secret, […]

Teaching Dad about RSS

Saturday, May 28th, 2005

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a *huge* believer in RSS. I’ve been using it with various business and personal projects for years. It’s how I get my news. It rocks … for me. However, the mainstream has *not* caught on yet, as is evidenced by my Dad’s most recent e-mail to me about this […]

Long tail web advertising

Friday, May 27th, 2005

In an article for CNET this week, Juan Cole wrote about blogs being the next big thing for advertisers. He uses the term “blogcasting” to describe essentially exactly what we’ve been doing at BackBeat Media for more than 5 years: take a bunch of high-quality sites — none of whom could regularly attract advertising […]

Traditional medicine needs an overhaul

Friday, May 27th, 2005

So I went to my doctor this morning. A few years back, I had what appeared to be a single mump on the side of my face. Of course, that’s not how mumps work, and that’s not what it was. What it turned out to be was a clogged (and, subsequently, infected) salivary duct. Fine. […]

Would you like syrup with your TiVo, madame?

Thursday, May 26th, 2005

Accoring to CNET, PVRs are selling like hotcakes. I’m not sure where, exactly, they get their hotcake numbers from, but In-stat has released a study indicating that, in the last year, we’ve gone from 3.6 million households with PVRs up to 9.2 million now. Fascinating stuff. For those of you that *don’t* have a TiVo, […]

AMBER Alerts on your cell phone: Technology wins again

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

Today while driving home from New Hampshire, my cell phone beeped with the following message: AMBER ALERT: West Haven, CT White 4 dr Honda Accord. FL-003911 CHILD: 6 Wht F 3ft 60lbs Blue Brn COMP: White F Hair: Brown Suspect: White F Hair: Brn Call 860-685-8190 I had forgotten about it until the note came […]

The end of the Powerbook (as we know it)

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

Well, it’s happening again. The rumor mill is spurring on stories about Apple switching processor platforms to Intel. Plenty of folks have their theories on what’s happening and why. I tend to agree with the folks that think Apple’s trying to send a public message to IBM, but it’ll all come out in the wash […]