Author Archive

MP3 Killed the Radio Star

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005

Well if this just doesn’t say it all. The band, “Cruisebox”, named after their word for the iPod, has a tune called, “On a Podcast”. Yeah, the lyrics are “explicit,” but so long as that doesn’t bother to you, it’s about the best summation of what podcasting is (and isn’t), all rolled up into an […]

Podcasting is better than TiVo’ing

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Yes, I’m supposed to be finishing a feature article for MacAddict right now, but I had this thought and simply had to share it. If your next issue is a day or two late in the mail, don’t blame them, blame me. 🙂 Many folks have compared Podcasting to TiVo, saying it’s “TiVo for Radio.” […]

Catching up from the Mac world

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

Well, life’s been interesting lately. The podcast has been going amazingly well, to the point where it’s now something I feel like I *should* be doing to service the listeners. Thankfully, John and I are still enjoying the heck out of it, so we have no plans of stopping anytime soon! There was a Marketwatch […]

Pocasting Explosion

Sunday, July 10th, 2005

Wow… this is amazing. A month ago, John Braun and I released our first podcast. Now, 4 shows in (and we just recorded the 5th), we’re listed in the top 20 podcasts on iTunes, and have thousands and thousands of subscribers (yes, that’s well into the 5 digit range). E-mail is pouring in, and folks […]

If Spam Were Real It’d Be Illegal

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

I feel like I need a shower. I just finished going through my spam folder on Gmail. It got a little large because, well, I just moved and things have been busy. It’s been about 10 days since I cleaned through it, and had about 1200 messages to scan for “real” mail. This stuff, even […]

Train your spouse on your alarm clock

Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

Train your spouse on your alarm clock: don’t let technology ruin your marriage

At least one giant is nimble

Friday, June 17th, 2005

As you may or may not know (or care, even), we’re in the process of moving. One mistake we made was agreeing to leave our washer and dryer with our old house. As such, we’re buying new ones. We researched on-site, and then ordered online from A couple of days later, we got an […]

Joining yet another fray…

Thursday, June 16th, 2005

I realize I should have posted about this two days ago, but well, I’ve been too darned busy. In any event, I’ve begun podcasting. John Braun and I published the first edition of the Mac Geek Gab podcast over on TMO on Tuesday, and simply can’t wait to do the next one. I’m having so […]

Big Media Should Learn From Pirates of the Past

Tuesday, June 14th, 2005

Yeah, this is another rant about Big Media, but not in the way you’ve seen before (or at least not in the way I have!). You see, they’re spending/wasting all this time and money figuring out ways to ensure that the music/movies/books we download can only be used as many times and as many ways […]

Kids these days

Friday, June 10th, 2005

I walked in the house yesterday and Skylar, my five-year-old daughter, was typing at my wife’s iBook. I went over to see her, and noticed that she was in the midst of typing an e-mail to her aunt, all by herself. Amazing that at 5 she can do this, but that’s not the point of […]