Author Archive

Greed Redefined, 2005

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

The RIAA and the MPAA are frantically trying to thwart anything that gets in the way of their stodgy old business model…. heck, it’s a mafia.In between your downloads on bittorrent, Kazaa, and Gnutella, go tell ’em we’ll break their kneecaps if they try anything like this again…

Bliss with technology in the rain

Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

I didn’t care where I was, I wasn’t worried about getting back to the office, and I just continued my stroll, iPod in the ears, Treo tucked safely (and dryly) in my pocket, and off I went. Yes, it’s true that these days I can never *truly* get away (that’s what being involved in running 4 or 5 businesses at a time will do to you!), but having the technology (in this case, the Treo 650) provide me with the flexibility to stand by the river in a rainstorm and soak it all in is, well, good enough for me.

The Milkman, er, lady: a story of convergence, enlightenment, and good clean living

Thursday, September 15th, 2005

of having the milkbox outside the door, and the weekly visits from the mlkman delivering tasty treats. Well, that prompted a quick Google Local search (still in beta, of course!), and result number one was, as you might guess, a goldmine.This morning, the Little Milk Man (which is a company run by and employing only women, funnily enough) arrived, complete with the old-fashioned truck, delivering those same tasty treats I remember.

In the flesh…

Thursday, September 8th, 2005

Well, if you’re a PR person, or simply someone walking around New York on Friday with an extra $600 or $700 and want to pop in, I’ll be speaking on a few Podcasting-related panels at the Bulldog Reporter PR Technology Conference. Feel free to say hi. I’m not a PR guy, but I still don’t […]


Thursday, September 8th, 2005

My family and I are fortunate enough to have just moved to a college town. We really love it here, we do. One of the great things is having a constant influx of new, free minds floating around through town. College students are like intelligent sponges — they absorb everything and quickly regurgitate it in […]

The Internet Survives

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

You’ve all heard about Hurricane Katrina, and if you haven’t done something to help yet, you can easily donate some money to relief efforts. That said, it is interesting to see The Interdictor, a blog from a few guys who run a data center in the French Quarter. They have chosen to stick around (they […]

Humanity wins again…

Friday, August 19th, 2005

…if only for a personal victory. The family (and me, of course) just recently relocated to Durham, NH, and tonight I had the pleasure of playing my first “post-move” gig (I’m a drummer, remember?) with a new band up here. Not only did the gig go well musically, but the crowd, the club staff, and […]

I hate when technology doesn’t work

Monday, August 15th, 2005

Well, technology failed me tonight in many ways. John (Braun) and I went to record our latest podcast, and John’s cable modem was out due to a lightning storm. We use Skype to do the audio portion of our podcast (which, of course, is a key element!), and without a cable modem, we were in […]

Ignore the RIAA, fight the MPAA

Monday, August 1st, 2005

With all the flack we give them, it’s not the RIAA that’s the problem. They’ve mostly lost the battle (enough to where the consumer still has *some* choice, anyway). It’s the MPAA that’s the huge problem. They’ve successfully (and, for the most part, quietly) squashed hundreds (if not thousands) of products that would make our […]

Relevant Advertising Is a Good Thing

Thursday, July 28th, 2005

…or at least Fred Wilson thinks so, and I (obviously) couldn’t agree more. People — whether they know it or not — have always wanted relevant ads, and that’s exactly what we started doing with BackBeat Media 5 years ago, albeit with a better model than behavioral targeting. We found that by targeting niche markets […]